
Class Teacher/Tutor

All students are assigned to a class teacher or tutor, who oversees general welfare of students in their group, and this is generally the first point of contact for parents.

Coaching Conversations

Additional staff offer further support, to identified students through positive coaching conversations. Such conversations assist students to develop specific academic, organisational, or emotional skills.


The Counselling Department’s aims to provide support to individuals and groups whether they be students, parents, families as a whole, or staff.

More generally the counsellors will raise awareness of mental health issues, promote wellbeing and resilience, and reduce stigma in matters relating to mental health.

The BISP Counselling Department works within strict ethical and legal guidelines, in support of confidentiality, but as appropriate will also advise on and coordinate with external experts.

Learning Support

The Learning Support department works closely with parents and teachers to address issues related to identified or potential needs. The department is ‘intervention’ driven (practical ways of creating change for a student), in order to efficiently move a student towards independence and confidence.