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At BISP, we are proud to support and celebrate the unique passions and talents of our students. Year 8 student Elina’s passions and talents, including the visual arts, shine brightly. Having moved from Vladivostok, Russia to Phuket, Elina has found a new home and a wealth of opportunities to further her artistic journey while pursuing her academic and sporting goals.

From a young age, Elina has been captivated by art. She recalls, “I’ve been doing it for as long as I can remember since I was just a little child.” This passion has led her to explore various mediums, starting with watercolour, then transitioning to gouache, and finally to acrylic. Each medium has presented its own set of challenges and joys, helping her to grow as an artist. “Watercolour is probably what I return to when I just want to relax or if I’m stressed before exams,” she shares.

Elina’s artistic journey has not been confined to the classroom. She takes art lessons both at school and outside, participating in various competitions and continually seeking to improve her skills. Recently, she had the incredible opportunity to work with Juffy Joob, a visiting artist in residence at BISP. This experience was particularly meaningful as Elina had admired Juffy’s work even before knowing she would get the chance to meet her. “I was overjoyed to meet her in real life. Her art skills are simply amazing,” Elina enthuses.

Working with Juffy Joob has provided Elina with new insights into her artistic process. She was surprised to learn that Juffy starts her paintings by working on the eyes first, a technique Elina had never considered before. “Painting eyes first was really interesting and surprising to me. It felt like the eyes looked real in a way that little fur pieces actually go onto them, making it look quite nice and realistic,” she explains.

Elina’s favourite subjects to paint are animals, particularly cats. She has a special bond with these creatures, often finding inspiration from the cats she has at home. “I’m kind of a cat person, that’s for sure. I always had cats in my house, and they just inspire me to create something,” she says. Her artwork often reflects a mix of her cultural backgrounds, blending elements from her hometown of Vladivostok and her current home in Phuket. One of her cherished pieces features iconic landmarks from both places, symbolising the blend of her past and present.

Despite her deep love for art, Elina is still exploring her future career path. While she acknowledges the challenges of becoming a professional artist, she remains open to the possibility.

“Art is a great part of my life. It’s important to me as much as being myself. I simply can’t live without it,” she reflects.

5 6 24 Art Student 4Currently, she is also considering a career in genetic engineering, showcasing her diverse interests and ambitions.

Elina’s journey is not just limited to art; she is also keen on academics and swimming. She shares her passion for art with her older sister and her athletic passion with her younger sister, who plays Tennis at the BISP academy. This blend of interests illustrates the multifaceted nature of Elina’s character and her drive to excel in various fields.

Elina’s story showcases the enriching and supportive environment at BISP, where students are encouraged to pursue their passions while exploring new opportunities.


Her journey reminds us of the importance of nurturing creativity and the incredible potential within each of our students. If you would like to view more of Elina’s art follow her Instagram art page