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Year 12 and 13 BTEC Sport students recently completed a one-night residential trip to Koh Yao Noi Island. Although brief, the trip was filled with adventure and exploration. The journey to the island on a longtail boat was challenging due to rough weather, but the students remained enthusiastic throughout, eager for the experience ahead.

Upon arriving at the north-east corner of Koh Yao Noi, the group set off on a kayaking trip. Strong winds and choppy waters made the conditions more challenging than expected, but the students demonstrated resilience and teamwork, paddling through with determination. For lunch, they stopped at a hidden cave for a meal in a unique setting. One creative student even crafted a bamboo fishing rod, adding a personal touch to the day. By the time they reached their bungalows, the group felt a well-earned sense of achievement after overcoming the tough conditions together.

In the evening, students enjoyed a range of social activities, including playing pool, tossing a frisbee, and playing football on the beach. Later, they gathered to play the guitar, sing, and share stories, creating a strong sense of community and connection.

The next day, the group tackled a demanding mountain biking route with steep uphill climbs that tested their endurance, and fast, bumpy downhills requiring both skill and focus. Along the way, they learned valuable lessons about bike control on uneven terrain, with students supporting each other through the challenging sections. At the top of one hill, they were met by three friendly local dogs, who enjoyed some snacks and water, adding a memorable and uplifting moment to the adventure.

Between kayaking, biking, and spending time with their peers, the students fully embraced the outdoors before returning to Phuket in the bright sunshine. The trip was a great success, offering opportunities for bonding and creating lasting memories. We look forward to more adventures to come!