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In a recent highlight of BISP’s vibrant selection of after school programmes, 21 talented girls took centre stage in the school’s first Acro Dance Examination, held in the Primary hall at the end of Term 2. The results were nothing short of impressive, with 19 students achieving the coveted Distinction and 2 showcasing their excellence with an Excellent rating.

The quality of BISP’s growing dance programme is evidenced by this global recognition from Acrobatic Arts Board. The students’ hard work and dedication were duly rewarded with certificates and medals recently arrived from Australia, symbolising their achievements, following an online examination conducted by an experienced Australian examiner. 

What truly sets these dancers apart is not just their technical skill, but also their attention to detail, evident in their full marks in dance etiquette and grooming. Ms. Sam Wilson, BISP’s dedicated Dance Teacher, expressed her pride in the students’ accomplishments and the program’s growth. “This success is a reflection of their hard work and commitment,” she remarked, hinting at even greater achievements in the future.

As the first dance school in Thailand to undertake this examination from the esteemed Acrobatic Arts Board, BISP continues to raise the bar for the dance programme offered to students. With 11 more students set to take their exam before the end of the term and aspirations to one day host one of the Acrobatic Arts examiners in person, the BISP dance programme’s future looks bright, promising more success stories in the future.