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BISP PTA: Better Together

The Parent Teachers Association (PTA) forms a partnership between home and school in order to support the best possible education for children at BISP. Parental consultation and engagement with the Headmaster, Principals, staff and the board of management, ensures the needs and perspectives of our international community are considered and supported. 

The PTA is a voluntary organisation and it organises school activities like Christmas fairs, weekend markets, fundraising events and welcoming new parents, just to name a few events. 

News and Events

PTA’s Objectives

  • To provide a forum for parents and be positive and constructive ambassadors
  • To promote and assist in the development of the school and its community to create a safe and conducive environment for all.
  • To facilitate forms of communication to reach parents and allow the two way flow of information between parents and school, collecting feedback, providing assistance and support through parent representative meetings.
  • To engage with our diverse parent population as a frame of reference to gain perspectives and viewpoints from a broad international community.
  • To encourage more parental involvement in school or PTA related activities through social events, charities and activities that help the BISP community come together.
  • To advance the interest and goodwill of staff members, parents and students.
  • To support the school and Headmaster in developing strong home/school partnerships.
  • To welcome new families to the school community and support their transition to living in Phuket.

The PTA supports BISP’s parents and teachers community through its role of facilitator and promoter of development. While complaints may arise from time to time, our primary focus is to foster positive communication and address any negative issues that may arise. However, it is important to note that the PTA does not have authority over operational or educational decision-making within the school.

PTA Core Team

The Core Team gathers all permanent functions essential to the good functioning of the PTA. The representatives are renewed every year on a voluntary basis.

Current PTA Core Team:

    • Chairperson / Board-Parent Representative: Tomoko Mian
    • Vice President / Secretary: Caitlin Schoenfeld
    • Treasurers: Dalit Steinberg
    • Events Coordinator: Ohana Birsinger
    • Class Representative Coordinator: Catherine Payne
    • BISP Communities Representatives:
      • Thai Representatives: Saimai Serflek
      • Chinese Representatives: Warren Zhou and Ma Li
      • Russian Representatives: Olga Menshinina

The PTA Core Team can be reached at [email protected].

Chairperson / Board-Parent Representative:

Tomoko Mian

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Vice President / Secretary

Caitlin Schoenfeld

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Dalit Steinberg

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Events Coordinator

Ohana Birsinger

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Class Representative Coordinator

Catherine Payne

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Thai Community Representative

Saimai Serflek

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Chinese Community Representative

Warren Zhou

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Chinese Community Representative

Ma Li

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Russian Community Representative

Olga Menshinina

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Chairperson / Board-Parent Representative:

Tomoko Mian


Leads the PTA towards specific goals chosen by the members; helps sets the vision for the PTA; appoints committee and event chairs; works closely with the Head of Primary and Secondary; creates agendas for meetings; works with the treasurer and committee on developing and implementing budget; trouble-shoots in all areas of PTA/school involvement.

Board-Parent Representative:

To represent the views of parents to the Headmaster and Board of Governors. Facilitate open and transparent dialogue between the parent body and the Board of Governors and Management of BISP with regards to development and investments, academic and business operations and other matters affecting the education and welfare of students. Be a member of the Board of Governors and attend meetings each year.

Vice President / Secretary

Caitlin Schoenfeld

Vice Chairperson 

Oversees Events and Activities by working closely with the event coordinator; partners with the Chairperson in fulfilling duties; Performs duties of the Chairperson in his/her absence.


Secretary (3 – 4 hours per week)

Keeps and prepares minutes of all meetings.


Dalit Steinberg

Treasurer (3 – 4 hours per week)

Keeps financial books in order, receives all payments and clears funds for the payment of bills and general expenses; makes a monthly financial report; keeps the membership informed of all items relating to the PTA finances; works closely with the Chairperson and event coordinators.

Events Coordinator

Ohana Birsinger

BISP Event Coordinator (1 – 2 hours per week)

Coordinating informal social events for members of the BISP community.

Class Representative Coordinator

Catherine Payne

Class Representative Coordinator – (3 – 4 hours per week)

To communicate PTA events, news etc. to the Class Representatives of the BISP community.

Thai Community Representative

Saimai Serflek

Community/ Event/ Activities Coordinators (1 – 2 hours per week)

Prepares and distributes general and specific communications to individuals when required, to the school community via the Primary, Secondary and / or School Head, and to PTA groups as necessary.

(1 – 2 hours per week)

Coordinating informal social events for members of the BISP community.

Thai Representatives

To communicate PTA events, news etc. to the Thai speaking families of the BISP community.

Chinese Community Representative

Warren Zhou

Community/ Event/ Activities Coordinators (1 – 2 hours per week)

Coordinating informal social events for members of the BISP community.

Chinese Representatives

To communicate PTA events, news etc. to the Chinese-speaking families of the BISP community.

Chinese Community Representative

Ma Li

Community/ Event/ Activities Coordinators (1 – 2 hours per week)

Coordinating informal social events for members of the BISP community.

Chinese Representatives

To communicate PTA events, news etc. to the Chinese-speaking families of the BISP community.

Russian Community Representative

Olga Menshinina

Community/ Event/ Activities Coordinators (1 – 2 hours per week)

Coordinating informal social events for members of the BISP community.

Russian Representatives

To communicate PTA events, news etc. to the Russian-speaking families of the BISP community.

Come and Meet the PTA Team!

Monthly general PTA meetings are organized for parents to meet the PTA Core Team and the Teachers’ Representative to discuss upcoming events, present requests, and gather feedback etc. The meetings are advertised on the PTA notice board (near Bake in the Secondary Building, and by the Gate 1 Entrance) and also through various social media channels (Class WhatsApp Groups, Instagram, Facebook) and on the News & Events section on this page. All BISP parents are welcome. 

Some Essential Information & Links for Parents

What can the PTA do for you?

The PTA provides the BISP parent community with:

  • assistance and essential information for parents to navigate around the school, and Phuket
  • help to connect with Class Representatives
  • help liaise with BISP leadership
  • opportunities to become active members of the PTA
  • registration for PTA events as a volunteer or vendor etc.


To get in touch with the PTA fill out the form below or contact them via email at [email protected] and they will come back to you as soon as possible.

Join the Volunteer Parents Team

Volunteer parents are the hearts and minds of each event organized by and for the school. Whether you have a lot of time on your hands or are a busy person, every minute counts and is appreciated. It is also showing a great example of leadership and dedication to our children.

The PTA will call for volunteers ahead of each event, and parents can register their interest and time commitment through a Google Forms which the PTA will circulate each time volunteers are needed.


Examples of events and help needed:

  • Christmas Fair: help with the Santa Photo booth, the popcorn and drinks stand, supervise the bouncy castle etc.
  • Soccer 7s: prepare and sell food and drinks
  • Swap Shops: help collect items 
  • Eco Week: help on each activity stand (face painting, bake sale, fashion show, art auction etc.)

PTA Activities

PTA also organizes regular events for parents as an opportunity to develop ties within the community, discover Phuket and local Thai culture. These activities are advertised on the PTA Board near BAKE, and the various PTA social media channels.

Some examples of past PTA events include:

  • International Cooking Classes
  • Coffee Mornings @ Bake
  • Nature Walks
  • Old Phuket Town Walks
  • Thai Markets Discovery Walks
  • Book Reading Club
  • Mahjong Club, etc.


His Majesty Maha Vajiralongkorn Bodindradebayavarangkun