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Each year at BISP, we are committed to providing a diverse array of activities that cater to our students’ wide-ranging interests. To highlight what’s available in Secondary, students have the opportunity to explore these options at our annual activities fair.

With the introduction of the newly named BISP Ignite Enrichment Programme, we offer an incredibly wide range of activity sessions, ensuring there is something for everyone. The MTB foyer was transformed into a vibrant hub of excitement and possibilities at this year’s fair. From “Learn to Swim” for our youngest learners to options like Concert Band and Rock Climbing for older students, the BISP Ignite Enrichment Programme is designed to inspire students to explore their passions and discover new interests.

The Secondary Activities Fair is not just about showcasing what’s available—it’s about igniting curiosity and encouraging students to try new things, discover hidden talents, and connect with others who share their passions. Whether it’s pursuing a favourite hobby or stepping out of their comfort zone to try something new, our students are encouraged to take full advantage of the diverse opportunities available to them through the BISP Ignite Enrichment Programme.

Thank you to everyone who helped make this year’s Secondary Activities Fair a success, and to our students for bringing such enthusiasm and curiosity to the event. We look forward to seeing all the amazing ways the students engage with the BISP Ignite Enrichment Programme this year!